Sunday 2 May 2010

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I found that in this piece, audience was the key thing which helped me make my decisions.

I wanted to use people from my target market (teenagers) to have their say in what they would like to see in a newspaper and what they think would be most effective.

I originally had a very general target market: adults, however feedback on my blog suggested it would be a good idea to focus on a smaller group, which is why i changed it to teenagers.

I carried out various questionairres to find out the views of my target market about things such as price, content and title. From this i learned that most people would pay 70p for their paper, therefore my paper is 70p

It also helped me decide on a title:

And as the third person said, there was potential in this for a good logo and i then set about creating a logo which looked vaguely like an eye.

I wanted to include my target market in all areas of my production so i also got comments on which pictures to use, this comment was particularly helpful:

One person suggested to have a series of posters so then i could get people to say which they preferred:

i took this on board and created three posters

I did a survey aswell as looking at feedback from my blog and it was decided that the second one was best due to a number of reasons

I also used the ideas of my peers (also my target market) to make decisions on my radio advert, i carried out a survey and went with the majority vote, i also listened to my actors views and their ideas when they were rehearsing they felt that there should be less dialogue and more music, i changed it and felt that this was better.

Audience feedback has been vital for my coursework as my target market has made most big decisions, sometimes unexpected ones (e.g. the choice of radio ad) therefore i am thankful as i would have ended up with something that my target audience isn't attracted to.

Feedback has helped me better my piece and made me sure that it is right for my target market.

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