Sunday 2 May 2010

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When producing my coursework i wanted all three tasks to link well with eachother so that it is clear that they are all associated with eachother. For example, with my front cover and my poster, i kept the title and logo the same to show to my audience that they are clearly linked.

I also made sure each thing was very relevant to the Isle of Wight itself, seeing as it is a local newspaper for the Isle of Wight. When thinking about how best to advertise, i thought about the beach as it is the main tourist attraction and beautiful place on the island. It's also a place where a lot of young people go.

With this idea i took a lot of my photos for my poster on the beach

I also made sure i made reference to the Isle of Wight in my radio ad.

I used the same fonts in both my poster and my newspaper as they are printed media and i used the newspapers website in both. A catchphrase i used in my poster 'The Islands new local newspaper for teenagers' was also used in my radio advert as the slogan.

I feel all three worked well effectively to produce my local newspaper in a way that my audience would be able to see the link between the radio ad and the poster and work out that it all links in with the newspaper.

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