Sunday 2 May 2010

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I wanted to use existing conventions of newspapers so that it was recognisable to my audience as a local newspaper, some of the conventions i used was:

Masthead - My title 'Island Eye' ran along the top like most local newspapers
Date/price/website/ - normal conventions that need to be on a newspaper
Articles with supporting images - Most local papers use images to enhance the stories etc.

I wanted to write in a similar style to normal newspaper articles, i therefore looked at various examples of existing newspapers such as 'The Isle of Wight County Press' and copied their style of writing, i also used it to find good topics for stories for me to cover.

I also created my paper for a specific target market (teenagers) therefore in the same way that the county press aim their adverts more to the elderly, i aimed mine at teenagers advertising for things such as driving instructors and pizza hut etc.

However. In order for my paper to stand out and be different to most local newspapers i needed to challenge the usual conventions and produce something different.

I decided to use a colour scheme of blue. This isn't a common thing in newspapers, apart from in logo's. I chose blue as it is a colour which appeals to both boys and girls and also represents the sea - one of the great assets of the Isle of Wight. I used the colour scheme in my title, logo, contents and also kept the theme on the second page by having a band of blue across the top.

In my research i didn't come across any local newspapers which are aimed at teenagers. This alone is therefore challenging conventions. I made sure i made my target market clear by using teenage models in my poster and teenagers actors to do the voices in my radio ad.

here are some of the teenagers i used:

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