Tuesday 30 March 2010

News values

I have done some research and found the criteria for 'newsworthy' stories that could be covered in my paper. Not all are relevant to a local newspaper and are more for national papers:

1. Frequency - the time span taken by the event
2. Threshold - the size of an event
3. Unambiguity - musn't be too simple or too complex
4. Meaningfullness - pretty self explanitory..
5. Correspondance - where the familiar is more likely to be thought important than the unfamiliar
6. Unexpectedness - Where the rarity of an event which leads to it's circulation in the public domain
7. Continuity - where there is already a running story that the paper has previously covered e.g. the madeline mccann story
8. Compisition - A good balance of stories, for example, if there is a lot of negative stories, there will also be some good ones to balance it out
9. Reference to elite nations - e.g. elections, natural disatsers and wars etc.
10. Reference to elite persons - Anyone famous or powerful that is connected to a news story.
11. Personalisation - events that are often seen as the actions of people as individuals.
12. Negativity - 'bad news'
13. Actuality - evidence of pictures
14. Recency - freshness and immediacy of the story


  1. say which news values apply to your stories

  2. get feedback from others about all your ideas. Look back at my comments.
