Tuesday 30 March 2010

News values

I have done some research and found the criteria for 'newsworthy' stories that could be covered in my paper. Not all are relevant to a local newspaper and are more for national papers:

1. Frequency - the time span taken by the event
2. Threshold - the size of an event
3. Unambiguity - musn't be too simple or too complex
4. Meaningfullness - pretty self explanitory..
5. Correspondance - where the familiar is more likely to be thought important than the unfamiliar
6. Unexpectedness - Where the rarity of an event which leads to it's circulation in the public domain
7. Continuity - where there is already a running story that the paper has previously covered e.g. the madeline mccann story
8. Compisition - A good balance of stories, for example, if there is a lot of negative stories, there will also be some good ones to balance it out
9. Reference to elite nations - e.g. elections, natural disatsers and wars etc.
10. Reference to elite persons - Anyone famous or powerful that is connected to a news story.
11. Personalisation - events that are often seen as the actions of people as individuals.
12. Negativity - 'bad news'
13. Actuality - evidence of pictures
14. Recency - freshness and immediacy of the story

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Radio advert research

I've been doing some research on radio adverts and here are a few that i like, i will take elements from them when creating my advert

this one is clearly funny, the humor works well and catches attention, it also uses good sound effects.

this one has very clear voices and also a jingle, something which i might incorporate in mine, again the sound effects are key in the understand of the 'joke'.

i like this one because the music adds comedy and makes it seem dramatic and exciting, it is also clearly aimed at men by the way it is spoken and the fact that it is a male voice.

draft of my poster

here is a draft of my poster, please comment and say what you think, thanks

draft of my front cover

here's a draft of my front cover, please comment and say what you think, thanks

Saturday 6 March 2010

Photos for the poster

ok, the weathers finally got sunny so i got my friends together and went down the beach to take some photos for my poster advertising 'island eye' newspaper. I chose the beach as my location because it is a local newspaper for the Isle of wight and the beaches are the perfect way to promote the island. I used teenagers because my target market is teenagers.
Here's a few of the photos, please comment and say which you like.
(the one with the couple works better if its zoomed in cos then you can auctually see the newspaper!)

Tuesday 2 March 2010

title and logo ideas

here are some ideas for different fonts for my title aswell as some logo ideas, i personally like the top two but please comment and say which you prefer.

Conventions of a newspaper

ok so i thought, if i want to make my newspaper like a regular local newspaper i want to follow typical newspaper conventions, here are a few that i think i will follow:
Masthead: my newspaper needs a catchy title which is easy to notice, i have decided im going to use the title 'Island Eye' and am thinking of a logo to add to it too.
Colums: I'm going to write my article in colums because this is typical of a normal newspaper and gives the writing some sort of order
Pictures: my images need to be eyecatching and interesting to look and of good quality
Website/date/price: these are all vital parts of a newspaper front cover and it it vital that i have them.
Contents: most newspapers have some form of contents on the front cover, therefore i will have this on my front cover with a taster of some of the other news stories