Tuesday 13 April 2010

Radio advert

Here is a script for my radio advert which i will record.

1 – (flicking through newspaper) Oh this is so boring, where can I get the real news on the island?
2 - What d’ya mean Liz?
1 - I mean it’s all politics and the council and stuff like that. Where’s the news that matters to us?
2 – Like...?
1 - Like I don’t know, just interesting stuff about people and real life, not all this boring stuff about the council
2- well haven’t you heard of Island Eye?
1 – Island Eye?
2 – Yeah it’s great, Island Eye has the real news cos it’s got an eye on the island and what’s really going on.
1 – So none of this boring rubbish about tractors and village fetes?
2 – Nope, just real news that’s relevant to us
1- wow that’s great, how much is it?
2 – 70p. And 30p of that goes to the youth opportunities fund, so it’s helping island teenagers too
3 – Island eye, the islands new local newspaper for teenagers, get your copy now for just 70p from any island newsagents

1 comment:

  1. You have got the tone right; need a catchy theme tune now!
