Thursday 29 April 2010

Radio Advert

I have now recorded my radio advert but can't find a way of getting it onto here at the moment.

I chose 3 A level drama students to do the voices for my advert so that they could get the right type of expressions i was looking for.

I wanted to use boys and girls to show that my newspaper is aimed at both and made sure they were of the same age as my target market.

After a couple of practices we decided that the advert was too long so we shortened the dialogue and made it faster. My peers also liked the music at the end but felt there should be some at the beginning so we did that. This shows the importance of audience feedback when making my radio ad.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Photo Editing

Here is an example of how i edited a photo to make it look clearer and better quality.

This is the original:

and this is the edited version:

i cropped it so that it would fit better on my newspaper page and i also enhanced the colours to make it brighter and clearer.

Annotated second page

Here is a copy of my final page 2. It is also annotated to show why i did certain things.

Annotated title page

Here is a copy of my final title page for my newspaper with annotations to explain why i have done what i've done.

Monday 26 April 2010

Audience feedback on poster

As with the radio advert, i had different ideas to choose from and i wanted my target markets input as to which i should use as my final poster.
Here is the sheet i gave them:

3 people liked number 1, 8 people liked number 2 and 4 people liked number 3. I will therefore be using number 2 as my final poster

Audience feedback on radio ad.

I had 2 draft radio ad's and wasn't sure as to which would be the most effective. I therefore asked 15 people from my target market and asked which they liked best, this is the piece of paper i gave them:

As a result of this quick survey, 5 people preferred number 1 and 10 preffered number 2. I will therefore use number 2. This was an unexpected result and showed me the importance of audience feedback.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Advert for my paper

because my paper is aimed at isnald teenagers i wanted to make my adverts relevant. i therefore decided to have an advert for driving instructors.
here is an idea for my advert which will appear on the front page:

Another radio idea

after hearing more radio adverts, i have come up with another idea which is very different to my last advert as it is simpler. here is a draf script (there will be music too) i will get audience feedback as to which advert i should record.

The islands new local newspaper for teenagers: Island Eye
All the lastest news plus sports, competitions and giveaways!
Just 70p at all local newsagents, plus 30p of that goes to the youth opportunities fund.
Island Eye: straight to the point.

Thursday 15 April 2010


One of my stories in my newspaper is about a group of teenagers who raised money for cancer research. I decided on having a picture of a girl holding a cheque. I'd like feedback on which photo is the best one to use, thanks.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Radio advert

Here is a script for my radio advert which i will record.

1 – (flicking through newspaper) Oh this is so boring, where can I get the real news on the island?
2 - What d’ya mean Liz?
1 - I mean it’s all politics and the council and stuff like that. Where’s the news that matters to us?
2 – Like...?
1 - Like I don’t know, just interesting stuff about people and real life, not all this boring stuff about the council
2- well haven’t you heard of Island Eye?
1 – Island Eye?
2 – Yeah it’s great, Island Eye has the real news cos it’s got an eye on the island and what’s really going on.
1 – So none of this boring rubbish about tractors and village fetes?
2 – Nope, just real news that’s relevant to us
1- wow that’s great, how much is it?
2 – 70p. And 30p of that goes to the youth opportunities fund, so it’s helping island teenagers too
3 – Island eye, the islands new local newspaper for teenagers, get your copy now for just 70p from any island newsagents

Friday 9 April 2010

3 poster ideas

Here are three possible ideas for my poster, please comment and say which you like best, also please give any suggestions on how to make them better, thanks.

News values which are relevant to my newspaper

Threshold - My main stories are on my front page as they are big events.
Composition - I have tried to have a good balance of negative and positive stories in my paper to make it a good read.
Actuality - I am using pictures in my paper to support my stories, for example, next to my story about a car crash, i have a photo of flowers placed by the road.
Recency - i have made sure that all my stories are current and have happened within the past week
These are the main ones but i do also use others. Some of the news values however are more relevant to national papers.