Thursday 12 November 2009

Target Market

The target market for my newspaper is 16-45 year olds. I am aiming mostly at middle class people. Therefore a lot will be working and have busy lifestyles. I have made my paper at an affordable price so that my target market can afford it. Therefore i have put it at 70p. This also ties in with my questionairre results.
Because i am aiming at a slightly younger target market than the 'isle of wight county press' i will be focussing on stories more relevant to my audiences age group aswell as necessary island news.
The adverts i chose to put in my newspaper will also be appropriate to who i am aiming at.

Monday 9 November 2009

Title Ideas

My newspaper is for the Isle of Wight therefore i'd like the title to have something to do with it. It is aimed at people of around 16-45 therefore it also needs to be current and modern in order to appeal to them.

Here are some ideas:
Island Times
The local
Wight Times
Island Eye
The Isle of Wight Chronicle

please comment and say which you prefer

Thursday 5 November 2009

Layout ideas

These two layout designs have been taken from The County Press and the Gazette. The design can affect what target market it appeals more to. For example, the Gazette uses a bigger picture. I will take this into consideration when making my newspaper.

Research on existing local newspapers

There a two main newspapers for the Isle of Wight, where i live. The main one is the County Press which is aimed at a slightly older target market, this is mainly because a large proportion of the Isle of Wights residents are elderly. The County Press is 70p. here is a link to it's website:

The other paper is a newer one aimed at a younger audience. it is called The Gazette and is a free paper for island residents. Here is a link to the website:

Sunday 1 November 2009

Questionairre Results

I carried out this questionairre on people of varying ages within my target market, here are my results. I will take these into consideration when creating my final newspaper.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Wednesday 21 October 2009

The Brief

Main task - The first two pages of a new local newspaper, together with:
Ancillary tasks - A poster for the newspaper
-A radio advertisement for the newspaper