Thursday 21 January 2010

Photos for cover story

Here are two photos i am considering using for my cover story about a car crash, please comment and say which you prefer and also any ideas of how to edit them to make them look better, thanks

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Change of Plan

due to the feedback i've got, i've decided to have a more specific audience, therefore i am going to aim my newspaper at younger people, aged between 16 and 25. The stories i cover in my newspaper will be relevenat to this as will my adverts, poster and radio ad.

Also, my original newspaper was for a week in may, however i decided to change it to january because, recently it has been snowing, therefore some of my photos are snowy and i will change some of my articles to be more related to winter.

Sunday 3 January 2010

An example of a cover story

Please comment on what you think and suggest any improvements.

POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a teenager was killed in a head-on crash in Freshwater last Sunday.
18 year old, Jamie Hunter-price, a Cowes High student in the sixth form, was driving a Blue Fiat which was involved in a collision with a white Citroen ZX near Butser farm, Grays Road, at about 9.45pm on the Sunday evening. He died later at St Mary's Hospital, Newport.
A man and a woman travelling in the Citroen also suffered serious injuries.
Jamie had just passed his driving test only five weeks previously and was driving his sisters car on the way home from seeing friends.
This accident comes after a string of accidents over the past year and people are appealing for a change in the speed limit and for the road to be re-surfaced as this is what is believed to be the cause of this fatal crash.
Cowes High Head, Terry Watson said: ‘This is a huge loss, Jamie was a great young lad with a real talent for sport, our thoughts are with his family.’
The school is holding a special memorial assembly on Wednesday for anyone who knew Jamie and wants to pay tribute to him and the date of his funeral is yet to be confirmed.
Police would like to speak to anyone who may have seen the accident, especially anyone who was standing at the Grays road bus stop. Anyone with any information should contact Sgt Elliot Franklin at Newport Police Station on 0845 045 45 45.